Invasion of the Droubays

This weekend Mike's dad, brother and two nephews came out to New York City to visit. We had so much fun showing them all of the sights. It was a whirlwind of a trip which included a Yankees game, Times Square, Grand Central Station, Empire State Building, Central Park, FAO Schwartz, The American Museum of Natural History, Statue of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge, Fifth Avenue, Wall Street and World Trade Center. CRAZY!! Above the group gets together in Central Park for a picture.

Mike, his dad, and the boys down on Riverside Park at sunset to catch fireflies.

Makenzie and I on the staten Island Ferry on the way to see the Statue of Liberty.

Me and the Manhattan skyline

Here we are eating in the Grand Central Terminal at Junior's.

The boys in Grand Central Station's main concourse

A family photo in Times Square

We all went to church on Sunday morning. Every week it's interesting to see how many visitors come to this church. This week over half the congregation were visitors.

The boys looking out at the statue of liberty on the ferry.

Here is the subway station that lets you off at the Yankee stadium (as you can see). Everyone had so much fun even though it was super super hot. They all got to see A. Rod hit his 500th home run.

Mike and his brother on top of the Empire State Building.

Walking across the Brooklyn Bridge. Kenzie wouldn't put her umbrella down even though it wasn't raining. Unfortunately Tyler decided he had to go potty about half way through the mile long walk so I had to hurry and speed walk across the second half before he had an accident.

The kids in Times Square